Rewriting Entire Git Branch into a Single Commit

Squishing Everything Back to a Single Commit in Git Ever wanted your Git history to go back to the initial commit while preserving the content you have today? For example, maybe you’re making a private repository public and want to remove the commit history but keep the current state. While a better option might be to create a new repository and commit everything fresh, if you really need to do this, here are the steps I took recently....

August 21, 2024 · 3 min · 468 words · Dave Hogan

Gitflow Branching Strategy

This post was taken from a rough gist I created whilst strategising a GitFlow branching strategy in a new team setting. Views may have likely changed since then and no on-size fits all. Introduction However you and your team manages branches; it’s important to have at least some kind of strategy that everyone adheres to. Rules and process should be designed to keep things consistent within the team and changes flowing to avoid complex merges and other such issues with multiple work steams on a single code repository....

August 15, 2024 · 8 min · 1619 words · Dave Hogan